Hello I'm

Darshan CH

Frontend Web and Graphic Designer.

An enthusiastic Frontend web developer and Graphic designer who loves to code
and work on patterns, colors and designs.

About Me

Darshan Choudhary !

I am an Undergraduate student at GCET, pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in computer science( Data science). I am a highly driven individual with a core interest in developing and designing. With a knack for creating unique and fresh experiences, I am a self-taught Frontend web designer, graphic designer and UI/UX designer (I have worked on multiple projects learning to prototype using tools such as Adobe xd, FIGMA, Sketch, and Adobe creative suite ) and have always been interested in how people interact with devices and get attracted by how they look and feel to the user.

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Presently at
Bachelor of Technology - Computer science(DS)

Galgotias college of engineering and technology


12th standard

RSS International school

CBSE | PCM - 86.5%


10th standard

RSS International school

CBSE | PCM - 75.8%

What I do

My Skillset

Graphic designing

I love to design graphics and arts such as posters and facebook ads, social media posts and infographics which includes skills like typography, Image making, color selections and motion graphics to create such designs.

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Frontend web dev

Building the front-end side of a webpage which requires developer to create user interface of a website, through the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I prefer working on frameworks such as Bootstrap, Tailwind and Angular.

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Problem solving C/C++

Being a Computer science student forces me to find the best approach possible for any problem thus,Programming is a mental sport which enables me to code a given problem under provided constraints.

That's all


My projects

Blockchain development

A BlockDEV company UI interface providing features such as selling NFTs/DAO and also allows to deal with Smart contracts

Blockchain development company

A BlockDEV company UI interface providing features such as selling NFTs/DAO and also allows to deal with Smart contracts.

Social media and facebook ads

Collections of all my social media posts,Infographics, banners and facebook ads made using CANVA and FIGMA.

Social media and facebook ads

Collections of all my social media posts,Infographics, banners and facebook ads made using canva and Figma.

Ecommerce app UI

Ecommerce app UI displaying produtcs and prices and ratings.

Ecommerce app UI

A visual of Ecommerce app UI displaying produtcs and prices availability designed with the help of using tools ADOBE XD and PHOTOSHOP.

Contact Me!

Let's connect

I'm a Frontend web designer- creating bold & brave interface UI designs and learning on daily purpose.

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